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1. Tell us a bit about yourself. What made you run for the Central Arizona Water Conservation District?
I believe we are all called to a life of public service and have lived according to that. As an Arizona native whose life has been shaped around real estate and agriculture I know how important water is to our way of life in this desert. Without continuing the efforts of those who have gone before us to ensure that all Arizonans have the water they need we will start down a dangerous path that will lead to central Arizona becoming less and less productive and prosperous.
2. The federal government has implemented a cut on the supply from the Colorado River. What is your plan to increase the water supply to Central Arizona?
The CAWCD and CAP do not have a mechanism within their statutory charter to secure additional water supplies, but I believe as a board we can use our position to advocate for Arizona to fight for a better deal when it comes to how cuts are implemented and call out the hypocrisy of neighboring states not taking any cuts while others try to maintain levels in Lake Mead. Additionally, I believe we should be focusing not just on today's challenges, but ensuring we are focusing on long term solutions and infrastructure to meet future issues as well.
3. There is a commitment of six years to serve on this board, and it is an uncompensated position. How much time are you able to allocate per month to this position?
I have made a commitment to give of my time freely and ensure we have good people focused on the most important issue in Arizona.
4. This position deals with contracts, bonds creation and implementation, and levying taxes. What are your credentials that will allow you to take on this duty?
In running a small business I am faced with making choices every day that require me to decide where to allocate limited resources to ensure I make the most of what I have. As a real estate agent, I negotiate contracts every single day to ensure a fair outcome for both parties. I understand what it means to be have a fiduciary responsibility to my clients and that will translate to property tax payers in the CAWCD. Additionally, I believe it is governments job to run efficient and cost effective projects.
5. Please feel free to add any additional information you would like voters to know about your candidacy.
Born and raised in Arizona, I know firsthand how important water is to our way of life. It is the very thing that makes this desert so hospitable. As kids we played in it and as parents, we ask our kids to conserve it. But it is much more than that. In my day-to-day business of running our family-owned real estate brokerage, I am often asked by clients relocating to Arizona, do we have enough water for all these people? And over 20 years I have formulated great responses to this very difficult question. The simple answer is yes. We use less water in Maricopa County today than we did in the 1970’s, all while our population has increased sixfold. This is not to say we don’t need to be good stewards of our water. But it does prove an important fact – with good planning and long-term vision we can provide for our children a future that is as fun and bright as the past we grew up with in Arizona. My family arrived here in the 1970’s and focused on the future. My father brought the first condominium to Arizona – innovating urban living – before Arizona really knew what it was. My father owned the Arizona Biltmore Golf Course and was a leader in water preservation, by trading its historic well rights for SRP Irrigation water and helping to lower ground water use in central Phoenix. Growing up with my mother and stepfather we had both a cattle feedlot and a cotton farm. I saw the importance of water for agriculture industry, as both ventures needed to walk the delicate balance of life in our desert. I grew up with both sides of my family working hard to use water in wise ways that helped grow our economy and create great jobs for many other families. These same values are just as important today as they were then. As we move forward, we must work together to come up with solutions that protect our current sources of water, incentivize those who use water to use it more wisely, and come up with programs to help eradicate waste and leakage – all while looking ahead to new sources and solutions to ensure Arizona can continue to grow and prosper. As a board member of the Central Arizona Water Conservation District, I will commit my time and efforts to continuing the legacy of well-run water management in our great state of Arizona, by embracing the legacy my family has taught me – utilizing our water safely and effectively for the betterment of Arizona’s future. You can find out more about Cory at www.CoryForCAP.com